We envision a Twin Cities community that is free from violence

You might be a democrat or a republican. We won’t be distracted by that.

You might be for guns or against guns. We won’t be distracted by that.

We also won’t be distracted by your race, your religion, your sexual orientation, who you voted for, your views on healthcare and taxes, whether you own a home or how much money you have in your bank account.

The one thing we’re committed to is stopping violence. Violence in all forms, structures and systems.

Nobody should have to put up with violence on our streets, in our schools, in our neighborhoods, and in our homes.

We are Twin Cities Nonviolent. We are citizens from all walks of life who will not let politics or our differences get in the way of doing what needs to be done. Our role is to be a catalyst for local organizations that practice nonviolence. The visionary leader who called us to action is Fr. Harry Bury, who was raised in the Twin Cities and has a 50-year history of fighting against violence throughout the world.

Our first initiative, 10 Days Free From Violence, is on September 21-30, 2018. This 10-day period will be our platform to reduce overall violence every day in the Twin Cities. It will also spark an opportunity for citizens to gain awareness of—and engagement with—the local nonviolence organizations we are supporting.

“Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence, but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.”

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

Our Mission

The Mission of Twin Cities Nonviolent is to: reduce violence in all its forms; increase awareness and engagement in nonviolent policies and practices; bring together local community organizations, including nonprofits, religious institutions, educational institutions, and government agencies; and dismantle the structures and systems that lead to violence throughout the Twin Cities and beyond.

We envision a Twin Cities community that is free from violence.

“Our intention is to reduce suffering in the world by challenging the unjust and oppressive social structures and by promoting peace with justice, equality and dignity for all.”

–  Fr. Harry J Bury, creator of Twin Cities Nonviolent